Tuesday 14 May 2019

Week Three

This week we are focusing on the initial letter sound Dd as in - Doll starts with d, d, d. Drum starts with d, d, d. Dinosaur starts with d, d, d.  
Sight words will be Look, at, Mum.
The students are learning to identify and write numbers 1 to 7 in the correct order using one to one correspondence.
It has been very rewarding to see each child making progress in their learning since the beginning of this year and we are extremely proud of them. It must be noted that each child progresses at their own pace and at their appropriate developmental levels, hence regular support and reinforcement of concepts taught needs to be consistent both at school and home. The children are being assessed for mid-year reports that will be issued at the end of this term. Please practise and support your child, so that they can independently and consistently demonstrate their learning.
This term our theme is “A Home Among The Gum Trees!” and will relate to our country, Australia. We will be learning about our Indigenous Australians, WA and the unique flora and fauna found here. We will use the theme to build the children's vocabulary and knowledge of the country they live in.
Show & Tell
Starting in week 4, the children will be asked to bring in something that represents Australia e.g. animals, plants, landmarks, places you might have visited, sport, foods, cultural icons such as thongs or hats with corks etc. to share with the class during show and tell. When it is your child’s turn, a news bag will be sent home. Please return bags on your child’s next scheduled Kindy day. This is a necessity as the bags are rotated between the children and causes disappointment for the one who misses out.
We would like the children to develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Sharing news is a fun way to build oral language and gain confidence in speaking and listening skills.
Please practise news and help your child to plan a few sentences about their object. Children are required to speak clearly and loudly and to look at their classmates when sharing their information.

We will also be doing some box craft during week 4 and would like parents to please send in small to medium sized boxes for children to use for construction. 
Thank you for your continued support.