Sunday 22 September 2019

Week Ten

It is hard to believe that it is already week 10 of Term 3! It has been an extremely busy term and all our children have worked really hard. We are enjoying seeing all the progress they are making in all areas of learning.


In our last week of term, we will be reviewing the sounds Nn, Bb, Ee, Ll, Pp, Ww, Jj and Vv. We are also beginning to identify the sound at the end of the word. Sight words covered this year include, I, am, a, can, Mum, look, at, it, Dad, is, in, go, the, see, we, like and here. Please return your child’s key tags so that they can be updated and returned to you next term.


We will be reviewing the numbers 1-15. Counting forwards and backwards 1-10 continue to be a focus.

Learning Journey Afternoon

A reminder that our Learning Journey afternoon at Wattle Grove Primary School has been placed on our calendar. For Blue Group children this will be held on Monday 23 September from 2.00 - 3.30pm. Parents are invited into our classroom to view scrapbooks and portfolios. We will also have science projects to explore and a literacy and numeracy activity to complete together.

School Fete

The second important date is our school fete. This will be held on Wednesday 23 October. Blue Group are invited to attend and will be required to be signed in and out of the office for the afternoon only. As this is not a Blue Group day, it is not compulsory to attend. Room 1 will be selling playdough this year. Blue Group children will be involved in setting up the stall prior to the event. To ensure adequate supervision on the day of the fete, there will be a list on our board for you to indicate which children will be joining us. 

Finally, thank you to those that have returned dance permission slips and money. Dance lessons begin first day back next term. We return to school on Monday 14 October.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Important Dates

In the recent newsletter, a Learning Journey afternoon at Wattle Grove Primary School has been placed on our calendar. For Blue Group children this will be held on Monday 23 September from 2.00 - 3.30pm. Parents are invited into our classroom to view scrapbooks and portfolios. We will also have two science projects to explore and a literacy and numeracy activity to complete together. There will be a family list on our board on Wednesday to indicate if you are able to attend. 

The second important date is our school fete. This will be held on Wednesday 23 October (Term 4). Blue Group are invited to attend and will be required to be signed in and out of the office for the afternoon only. As this is not a Blue Group day, it is not compulsory to attend. As previously mentioned, Room 1 will be selling playdough this year. Blue Group children will be involved in setting up the stall prior to the event. To ensure adequate supervision on the day of the fete, there will be another list on our board to indicate which children will be joining us. 

Finally, thank you to those that have returned dance permission slips and money. Dance lessons begin first day back next term. 

Saturday 14 September 2019

Week Nine

It has been another wonderful week in Kindy. We have continued to explore our Term 3 theme of Commotion in the Ocean

We are now starting to learn about the end sound in words. For example, the end sound in cat is t. This is a tricky concept, with students needing to listen carefully to the sounds in the word. This skill can be practised at home using short three letter words, e.g. cat, man, log. Extending and accentuating the last sound will support your child to hear it – e.g. muggggg, mannnnn.

We have now completed our Favourite Book Project, and books have been returned home. Thank you for supporting your child with this project. The students have loved sharing their book with the class and choosing their favourite character.


We will be learning the sound Vv... as in van and velcro. 

Our new sight word will be here... as in Here is a book... or ... I am over here. 

Please continue to revise sounds and sight words with your child each day. Regular practise supports your child to retain these concepts.

Phonics sounds learnt so far this term: Nn, Bb, Ee, Ll, Pp, Jj, Ww

Sight words learnt so far this term:  is, in, go, the, see, we, like


We are continuing to work with teen numbers.  We are learning about the number 15.

We continue to practise the skills of counting (forwards, backwards, from a different starting point and with real life objects). We are developing students understanding of the numberline by playing missing number and number sequencing puzzles and games.


Next week in Science, we will work together to plan and construct our own ocean. We include sand, water, stones, shells and sea creatures. The students are starting to ask more questions about the ocean and we have been enjoying finding the answers to questions together.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Week Eight

It was been an extremely busy week in Kindergarten! Wattle Day, Sport Events and more Science Experiments!
Our letter for this week is the ‘J j’ phonic sound. We are focusing on the short initial sound only as in ‘jellyfish’ and ‘juice’. We are continuing to explore syllables, rhyme and sight words. Please remember to pack the brain cards so that we can review sounds and add new sounds.
We will be returning your child’s favourite book at the end of next week. Thank you for allowing us to keep the book in class and use them for activities. We have also enjoyed sharing the stories during our mat sessions.
This week we are learning about the number 14. We will also be linking ordinal numbers to our experience participating in the Sport Days. For example, Ms Roberts came 1st in the running race or Mrs Kealley came 3rd in the running race.
School Fete
If you have older children attending Wattle Grove Primary School, you may have started to hear about the school fete. This is held in week two of term four. Room 1 will be selling playdough on the day. Over the next coming weeks, we will begin to seek donations. Every donation received will help our stall to be a huge success! More information to follow soon.
Finally, we are really proud of all of our Kindergarten children. They worked hard to learn all of our tabloid games and listened carefully when we ventured out onto the oval during running practice. It has been a busy term learning about this big event. We really enjoyed seeing Blue and Red Kindy Groups participate, even if it was not their scheduled school day.