Thursday 30 May 2019

Week 6

We are half way through Term 2 and Monday 3 June is a Public holiday! Enjoy the long weekend together.

We are learning about Living and Non-living things in Science and it would be greatly appreciated if every child could bring in something unique and individual to WA. This is to celebrate and learn about our state. We will later sort and make a “Living and Non-Living” poster of Western Australia to display in the classroom.

So far, Show & Tell has been enjoyed by all, with the children bringing in great items and learning from each other. Fantastic Speaking and Listening skills are developing. We would like to see the children develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Sharing news is a fun way to build oral language, gain confidence and assist with initial phonic sounds with links to words and vocabulary. Please continue to practise news and help your child to plan sentences about their object. The information for sharing is not limited to the guide attached to the news bag.

This week the students have been exposed to rhyming. When two words sound the same at the end and hat end with at, they rhyme. When students can hear the rhyming sounds in words, they demonstrate phonemic awareness, which is essential for early reading. To teach this skill books, pictures and games can be used to demonstrate and reinforce rhyming techniques. Children also learn rhyming by listening to stories, poems and songs that are easy and fun to remember.

It is important to revise concepts covered over the semester and next week we will be reviewing all that we have learnt. This will assist in transferring knowledge to long term memory.

The following are some skills you could revise at home:


Initial phonic sounds Ss-Aa-Tt-Mm-Ii-Ff-Rr-Uu-Dd-Oo. Syllables i.e. counting parts in a word. Sequencing and retelling stories using a beginning, middle and end.


Numbers 1 to 8. Say a number between 1-8, then ask your child to count on from this number. Order numbers, count objects to match a numeral and identify dots on a dice.

Enjoy your mini break and see you Thursday next week.