Sunday 19 May 2019

Week Four

It has been another enjoyable week in Kindy. The students have learnt the new phonics sound Dd as in drum and the sight word at. We have continued to explore texts though our shared reading program. The focus has been on supporting students to build their vocabulary, develop their comprehension skills and identify features of the text. The students have retold the story through play and by sequencing picture cards and telling the story in their own words. The book is called the Koala Who Could. 

Next week in Kindy…

In week 4 everything will be “Rainbow” as we learn about the phonic sound Rr. Students are requested to come to school on Thursday 23 May wearing Rainbow coloured clothes. A paper note has also gone home regarding our dress up day. We will conduct a small parade with the other Kindy classes first thing in the morning, please check the class board in the morning for the exact location. We would love it if families could stay and wave us on!


Phonic sound Rr as in rabbit, sight word A/a and speaking and listening news – About Australia.


Identifying numbers on the dice and matching these with numerals, making simple patterns.


Living and Non-living things.


Please remember to bring in small and medium sized boxes to school for our week 4 projects.