Thursday 30 May 2019

Week 6

We are half way through Term 2 and Monday 3 June is a Public holiday! Enjoy the long weekend together.

We are learning about Living and Non-living things in Science and it would be greatly appreciated if every child could bring in something unique and individual to WA. This is to celebrate and learn about our state. We will later sort and make a “Living and Non-Living” poster of Western Australia to display in the classroom.

So far, Show & Tell has been enjoyed by all, with the children bringing in great items and learning from each other. Fantastic Speaking and Listening skills are developing. We would like to see the children develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Sharing news is a fun way to build oral language, gain confidence and assist with initial phonic sounds with links to words and vocabulary. Please continue to practise news and help your child to plan sentences about their object. The information for sharing is not limited to the guide attached to the news bag.

This week the students have been exposed to rhyming. When two words sound the same at the end and hat end with at, they rhyme. When students can hear the rhyming sounds in words, they demonstrate phonemic awareness, which is essential for early reading. To teach this skill books, pictures and games can be used to demonstrate and reinforce rhyming techniques. Children also learn rhyming by listening to stories, poems and songs that are easy and fun to remember.

It is important to revise concepts covered over the semester and next week we will be reviewing all that we have learnt. This will assist in transferring knowledge to long term memory.

The following are some skills you could revise at home:


Initial phonic sounds Ss-Aa-Tt-Mm-Ii-Ff-Rr-Uu-Dd-Oo. Syllables i.e. counting parts in a word. Sequencing and retelling stories using a beginning, middle and end.


Numbers 1 to 8. Say a number between 1-8, then ask your child to count on from this number. Order numbers, count objects to match a numeral and identify dots on a dice.

Enjoy your mini break and see you Thursday next week. 

Squeezing Orange Juice

Sunday 26 May 2019

Rainbow Week Photos

Week Five

We had such a great week exploring the letter Rr. It was a week of robots, rockets, rainbows and more. We had an opportunity to do some science experiments and show off our rainbow colours in a parade.
Our letter for next week is the ‘O o’ phonic sound. We are focusing on the short initial sound only, as in octopus and on. We are continuing to explore syllables, rhyme and sight words. Please remember to pack the brain cards so that we can review sounds and add new sounds.
As part of our shared reading program we will be reading Olga The Brolga. This fits in with our Australian theme this term.
We are really enjoying the Australian news that the children are sharing with our class. The roster has gone home in your child’s document wallet. A news bag will go home prior to their news day.
Next week we are learning about the number 8. The children will continue focusing on the collection of dots on a dice, without counting. They will also practise to orally count in order starting at one. We will continue to develop our knowledge of simple AB patterns. For example, blue, red, blue, red or using our body to create patterns such as touching our heads, touching our knees and repeating the pattern.
If you can help support our literacy program by bringing in an orange, that would be much appreciated. We plan on squeezing some oranges to make orange juice. We will be following simple instructions, strengthening/improving our fine motor skills and getting an opportunity to try some freshly squeezed juice.
Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Rainbow Dress Up Day

Just a reminder that our dress up day is this Thursday 23 May. Children are invited to wear rainbow colours. Look forward to seeing you then.

Sunday 19 May 2019


We hope to do some more cooking this term! 

Easter Bunny Fun From Last Term

Week Four

It has been another enjoyable week in Kindy. The students have learnt the new phonics sound Dd as in drum and the sight word at. We have continued to explore texts though our shared reading program. The focus has been on supporting students to build their vocabulary, develop their comprehension skills and identify features of the text. The students have retold the story through play and by sequencing picture cards and telling the story in their own words. The book is called the Koala Who Could. 

Next week in Kindy…

In week 4 everything will be “Rainbow” as we learn about the phonic sound Rr. Students are requested to come to school on Thursday 23 May wearing Rainbow coloured clothes. A paper note has also gone home regarding our dress up day. We will conduct a small parade with the other Kindy classes first thing in the morning, please check the class board in the morning for the exact location. We would love it if families could stay and wave us on!


Phonic sound Rr as in rabbit, sight word A/a and speaking and listening news – About Australia.


Identifying numbers on the dice and matching these with numerals, making simple patterns.


Living and Non-living things.


Please remember to bring in small and medium sized boxes to school for our week 4 projects.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Week Three

This week we are focusing on the initial letter sound Dd as in - Doll starts with d, d, d. Drum starts with d, d, d. Dinosaur starts with d, d, d.  
Sight words will be Look, at, Mum.
The students are learning to identify and write numbers 1 to 7 in the correct order using one to one correspondence.
It has been very rewarding to see each child making progress in their learning since the beginning of this year and we are extremely proud of them. It must be noted that each child progresses at their own pace and at their appropriate developmental levels, hence regular support and reinforcement of concepts taught needs to be consistent both at school and home. The children are being assessed for mid-year reports that will be issued at the end of this term. Please practise and support your child, so that they can independently and consistently demonstrate their learning.
This term our theme is “A Home Among The Gum Trees!” and will relate to our country, Australia. We will be learning about our Indigenous Australians, WA and the unique flora and fauna found here. We will use the theme to build the children's vocabulary and knowledge of the country they live in.
Show & Tell
Starting in week 4, the children will be asked to bring in something that represents Australia e.g. animals, plants, landmarks, places you might have visited, sport, foods, cultural icons such as thongs or hats with corks etc. to share with the class during show and tell. When it is your child’s turn, a news bag will be sent home. Please return bags on your child’s next scheduled Kindy day. This is a necessity as the bags are rotated between the children and causes disappointment for the one who misses out.
We would like the children to develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Sharing news is a fun way to build oral language and gain confidence in speaking and listening skills.
Please practise news and help your child to plan a few sentences about their object. Children are required to speak clearly and loudly and to look at their classmates when sharing their information.

We will also be doing some box craft during week 4 and would like parents to please send in small to medium sized boxes for children to use for construction. 
Thank you for your continued support.

Friday 10 May 2019

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Thank you to everyone that attended the afternoon tea yesterday. It was so lovely to see you all enjoying time together. The children were excited all day!

I will post some photos for you all to view. If anyone has a photo or video of the song, that you are willing to share, can you please email it to me. I would love to show our class what a wonderful job they did performing it. 

There will be more updates regarding the next coming weeks on our blog soon. Enjoy your weekend. 

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

Good morning,

Just a reminder that we are having our Mother's Day Afternoon Tea tomorrow at 2.30pm. If you are unable to attend another family member is most welcome (Grandparent, Aunt etc). Please let me know if someone will be attending in your place. 

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Week One

Welcome back to another exciting term in Kindy.  It has been lovely to see all the children back at school and settling back into their routines. We have been reviewing the sounds Ss, Aa, Tt, Mm, Ii and Ff as well as the numbers 1-5.
Our letter for next week is the ‘U u’ phonic sound. We are focusing on the short initial sound only, as in umbrella and under. This term we are learning some new concepts, including syllables. Syllables are the parts of the word and we count syllables by touching our heads, shoulders and stomach. Eg. Ba-na-na = 1st syllable – touch head, 2nd syllable – touch shoulders and 3rd syllable – touch tummy. Ask your child to demonstrate how we count the syllables. We are also beginning to read sight words. We have been looking at photos of ourselves and reading.  I am {name}. I am a boy/girl.
Next week we are learning about the number 7. The students will continue focusing on the collection of dots on a dice, without counting. They will also practise to orally count in order starting at one.
Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea
We have been preparing some special treats for Mother’s Day. All of our Mum’s are invited to attend a Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea on Thursday 9 May at 2.30pm.