Saturday 7 September 2019

Week Eight

It was been an extremely busy week in Kindergarten! Wattle Day, Sport Events and more Science Experiments!
Our letter for this week is the ‘J j’ phonic sound. We are focusing on the short initial sound only as in ‘jellyfish’ and ‘juice’. We are continuing to explore syllables, rhyme and sight words. Please remember to pack the brain cards so that we can review sounds and add new sounds.
We will be returning your child’s favourite book at the end of next week. Thank you for allowing us to keep the book in class and use them for activities. We have also enjoyed sharing the stories during our mat sessions.
This week we are learning about the number 14. We will also be linking ordinal numbers to our experience participating in the Sport Days. For example, Ms Roberts came 1st in the running race or Mrs Kealley came 3rd in the running race.
School Fete
If you have older children attending Wattle Grove Primary School, you may have started to hear about the school fete. This is held in week two of term four. Room 1 will be selling playdough on the day. Over the next coming weeks, we will begin to seek donations. Every donation received will help our stall to be a huge success! More information to follow soon.
Finally, we are really proud of all of our Kindergarten children. They worked hard to learn all of our tabloid games and listened carefully when we ventured out onto the oval during running practice. It has been a busy term learning about this big event. We really enjoyed seeing Blue and Red Kindy Groups participate, even if it was not their scheduled school day.