Tuesday 17 September 2019

Important Dates

In the recent newsletter, a Learning Journey afternoon at Wattle Grove Primary School has been placed on our calendar. For Blue Group children this will be held on Monday 23 September from 2.00 - 3.30pm. Parents are invited into our classroom to view scrapbooks and portfolios. We will also have two science projects to explore and a literacy and numeracy activity to complete together. There will be a family list on our board on Wednesday to indicate if you are able to attend. 

The second important date is our school fete. This will be held on Wednesday 23 October (Term 4). Blue Group are invited to attend and will be required to be signed in and out of the office for the afternoon only. As this is not a Blue Group day, it is not compulsory to attend. As previously mentioned, Room 1 will be selling playdough this year. Blue Group children will be involved in setting up the stall prior to the event. To ensure adequate supervision on the day of the fete, there will be another list on our board to indicate which children will be joining us. 

Finally, thank you to those that have returned dance permission slips and money. Dance lessons begin first day back next term.