Tuesday 5 November 2019

Week Four

Thank you to parents for supporting your child with their Celebrations retell task at school last week. The students did a great job drawing a picture of their family celebration, and writing about what was happening in the picture.  It is so wonderful to see students listening carefully to words and writing down the sounds they hear. It was lovely to see such a variety of family events, including fireworks shows, Easter, Diwali, birthday’s, Christmas and Chinese New Year. If any parents would like to come in and talk any special family traditions with the class this term, you would be most welcome.


We have reached the end of the alphabet! This week we are learning about the letter Q. Q as in quilt, queen and quick. We will be learning that Q and U stick together like glue, meaning the letter q is always followed by a letter u, and together they make the qu sound.
Your continued support with revising letter sounds and sight words at home will support your child to learn and apply this knowledge as we apply this knowledge to reading and writing.


Our number of the week is number 19.
On Wednesdays students have been learning about the concept of heavy and light. This includes hefting with our bodies to feel the difference in weight of objects. An important skill is for students to use language to describe their observations, e.g. the rockmelon is heavier than the banana.


This term our focus is on Protective Behaviours. So far this term we have explored the concept of public (e.g. restaurant, shops) and private places (e.g. our bedroom, toilet at school) and are beginning to talk about how our body feels when we feel scared or unsafe. 

Have a wonderful week.