Monday 21 October 2019

Week Two

What an exciting start to the term we are having.  There are lots of special events happening. Please take care to read all student notes and the class board each day to ensure you stay informed.

Student Fete – Wednesday 23rd of October
The students attended a Student Fete spruiking assembly last week, where we heard about the games and items that will be for sale at the class stalls this week. We were excited to hear about the “Adopt a Pet” soft animal store and the “Decorate a Cupcake” stall. Most items will cost $1 or less. Please remember to send money in coins, in a named zip-lock bag or purse. Maximum of $10 per child.

Room 1 is selling bags of playdough at our stall. A big thank-you to all parents who have donated ingredients and their time to colour, scent, glitter and package our playdough. 

Blue Group students are invited to come in and attend the Student Fete. Parents need to bring students to school via the front office to the classroom at 12.50pm. When you arrive at the classroom please sign in your child and then return at 2.30pm to sign out and collect your child. Parents are not permitted to stay for the fete.

Dancing Lessons
Dancing Lessons are underway and we have enjoyed learning the steps to some fun routines. We look forward to showing off our moves at the end of year Dance Party.

This week we are learning the sound Yy as in yellow and yo-yo. Our new sight word is to, as in… I go to daycare. We have been applying our letter sound and sight word knowledge to read simple sentences and texts.

A focus for Term 4 is blending and segmenting CVC words. CVC words are three letter words that comprise of a consonant, a vowel and another consonant, e.g. pig, man, zip.

Blending: This skill involves blending sounds together to pronounce a word e.g. s  u  n … sun

Segmenting: This skill involves listening carefully to the word and identifying the sounds that you can hear e.g. sun … s  u  n

We continue to work with teen numbers. This week we will be learning about the number 17. We continue to develop our counting skills by practising one-to-one correspondence (touching each object as we count) and learning that the arrangement does not affect the count.

HASS (History and Social Sciences)
This term we are learning about family celebrations. In week 3, we will be asking students to name a special event that their family celebrates and tell us how they celebrate it. Special events could include religious festivals, family reunions, birthdays, community events etc. Please speak with your child about a family event to support them to complete this in Week 3.

Thank you for your support with our learning program.