Saturday 31 August 2019

Week Seven

Firstly, thank you to all of the Dads, Grandads and other special family members for joining us for our Father’s Day Breakfast. The students and teachers loved having you in the classroom and we hope that you all enjoyed the food and company. Wishing all Dad's a wonderful day on Sunday.

Our Book Week parade was also a huge success. The students looked wonderful in their poetry character costumes. Thank you, families, for your support of this fun celebration of Nursery Rhymes.

Our exploration of the ocean has continued. We explored the concept of floating and sinking with some hands-on experiments in the classroom. The students made predictions and tested these with real-life objects.

Tabloid Games and Whole School Sports Carnival

These two events will take place this week. All students have been sent home a note with the details of these events. Please remember to follow procedures for bringing in and picking up your child on these days. Students need to bring a labelled water bottle, school hat, suitable running shoes and their faction t-shirt to each event. Please see your classroom teacher if you have any questions.


Phonics and sight words: This week we will be learning the sound Ww... as in watermelon and window. Our sight word of the week is we... as in We like ice-cream. We attend Wattle Grove Primary School.

Please continue to revise sounds and sight words with your child each day. Regular practise supports your child to retain these concepts.

Phonics sounds learnt so far this term: Nn, Bb, Ee, Ll, Pp

Sight words learnt so far this term:  is, in, go, the, see.

Reading: Thank you for supporting our Home Reading program by returning books promptly. This has meant that all students have been able to take home our class reading book each fortnight. This fortnight's book is titled: What is Long?

There are questions on the right side of each page that can be used to support your child’s reading and comprehension skills. Please remember that children are not expected to read the book themselves yet, but encourage them to track the words with their pointer finger as you read aloud and encourage them to join in as they are able. Ask your child to find things in the book - e.g. Where is the title? Can you circle a word? Where is the full stop? They will love showing you what they know.

Please remember to return your child's library book each Monday so that it can be exchanged. Reading aloud to your child is a wonderful way of supporting their vocabulary and understanding of sentence structures.


We are now learning about teen numbers. This week we are learning about the number 13. We continue to practise the skills of counting (forwards, backwards, from a different starting point) and are developing students understanding of the number line by playing missing number and number sequencing games.