Saturday 30 March 2019

Week Nine

Term 1 is quickly drawing to an end! The weeks have flown past because we have been extremely busy making friends and learning lots of new things. The ‘Kindy Kids’ have made excellent progress through the last 8 weeks and have enjoyed their first experience of ‘BIG’ school. It makes us, (teachers) very happy to hear parents say that their children want to come to school, even though it is not their rostered Kindy day! This does prove that LEARNING IS FUN! I’m sure as parents you are proud of their achievements and so are we. 


Our letter for this week is the ‘I i’ phonic sound. We are focusing on the short initial sound only as in….. insect starts with i, i, i - igloo starts with i, i, i, - itchy starts with i, i, i. This is quite a ‘tricky’ sound but please have a look around your home and see if you can find some objects. This is a strategy to reinforce the letter sound being taught.

Name writing

Most students can write the first letter in their names. It is most important to encourage daily name writing practice. Start with a capital letter followed by lowercase letters. A handout was given out at the parent Information evening, please use this as a guide for letter formations.


This week we are reviewing numbers 1 to 5. Students are learning to recognise the numerals for these numbers and the dot patterns on a dice. They have also been showing the numbers on their fingers in a variety of ways and making small collections of various objects.

CHAT (Changing Health Acting Together)

A note has been sent home requesting each child to bring in a shoe box and teddy OR doll that can sit in the box, by Monday 8th of April. We will use these for a road safety activity in Week 10. Please put your child’s name on the box and teddy or doll. We would greatly appreciate if you could send in any extra shoe boxes you may have at home, so that we have some spares in case these are needed.


The outside world shapes children's development through experiences that they have, which include using their five senses—hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.  Drawing a child's attention to their five senses and discussing them increases understanding of and communication about the world around. We will be learning more about our senses and doing investigations to explore our sense of taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing.

Thank you for another ‘magnificent’ and ‘marvellous’ week learning about the initial sound Mm!